History of the Book of Numbers

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Numbers is the "fourth book of Moses" in the Pentateuch. This book has also been known as the "book of journeyings" and "the book of murmurings". Its name stems from the two numberings of the Israelites (one on Mount Sinai and the other on the plains of Moab.) The main part of this book, however, deals with the experiences that the Israelites had as they wandered in the wilderness. The generation that entered the wilderness became rebellious and the Lord disciplined them by not letting them enter the promise land. After forty years of wandering, the second generation was prepared to do what their parents had failed to do. The question is would they succeed or would they copy the mistakes of their fathers? This book ends on a positive note. They would succeed and inherit the promised land of Canaan at last!

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Numbers is divided into two sections:
1.) The Israelite's first generation in the wilderness and their preparation to inherit the Promised land all the way to their failure of inheriting the Promised land. 
2.) The second generation's preparation and fulfillment of inheriting the Promised Land.
This book of the Pentateuch is easily navigated through with the links at the bottom of the chapters or to the upper-left hand side of the chapters. Learn from the Israelites what to do and what not to do as you read this online bible with their stories of success and failures and of their rebelliousness and obedience. May God bless you as you seek Him in your daily life.

Other books of the bible to visit is 2peter, 1John

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